Britain's EU Journey: When it signed up, 16 years late

Britain's EU Journey: When it signed up, 16 years late


LONDON (AP) — Britain officially leaves the European Union on Jan. 31 after a debilitating political period that has bitterly divided the nation since the 2016 Brexit referendum.

Difficult negotiations setting out the new relationship between Britain and its European neighbors will continue throughout 2020.

This series of stories chronicles Britain’s tortured relationship with Europe from the post-World War II years to the present.


Edward Heath, who became Britain's Conservative prime minister in 1970, made gaining membership in the European Economic Community a key objective.

Charles de Gaulle's successor as France's president, Georges Pompidou, was far more amenable to British membership and in 1973 Britain finally joined the bloc. At first glance, it looked like Winston Churchill's call for a “United States of Europe” in a 1946 speech was finally coming to bear.

But with the opposition Labour Party becoming increasingly conflicted over Europe, Britain's accession wouldn't be smooth.

Coming to power a year later, Labour leader Harold Wilson thought a referendum would overcome the cracks in his party and keep his government, which had a wafer-thin majority, in power. That referendum, Britain's first-ever national plebiscite, was held in June 1975.

The campaign proved a fairly lackluster affair, as the country's focus was more on the parlous state of the British economy, with its sky-high inflation and widespread union unrest, than on European developments.

At the time, the people of Britain were looking for economic salvation and the thriving economies in mainland Europe provided one panacea.

In contrast, Britain's 2016 Brexit referendum on EU membership came when Britain was outperforming its neighbors, many of whom were struggling to emerge from an...

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